Whois lookup

Type in your website address without the www.(Example: magicbullet.co.za) and click on "Check Availability".

Our Domain Name Search support most of the popular domain extensions (e.g. .co.za, .com, .co.uk, etc.).

*Take Note: You will start to receive false positives if you perform too many requests.

Domain Name Registration

Every website must have a domain or, if you like, a home address. There is no exception to this rule. An example of this is the South African Google domain, which is www.google.co.za. Choosing a good domain name for your business is absolutely crucial. The name should normally relate in some way to the business. For instance, it would be foolish to give an electrician's website a domain name such as www.buyusedcars.co.za. If possible the domain name should:

  • Be memorable
  • Include relevant keywords

If you are not sure about how to source, purchase and register a domain name, don't worry - we will be happy to guide you. Domain names need not be expensive, although existing and popular domain names have been known to sell for thousands of dollars. Once registered a domain name has to be renewed annually. Owning a domain name is just the first step in getting a website. The website must be designed and developed, and then it has to be hosted. Hosting packages vary in cost and depend on the size and type of website, and the type of hosting service that you require. Only when you have purchased hosting and linked the domain name to your hosting package can you start sending and receiving emails.